Comstock Seed

Wildland Seed Collections

Collection Process

Comstock Seed is the industry leader in source-identified seed collection and cleaning. We know that local genetic plant varieties are best suited for long term survival and the success of your project, which is why we provide consultations for establishing a collection network in your area.



Over the course of several years, we frequently harvest as many species from a location as possible. The diverse inventory that we develop is then blended and returned for many different projects at the same site.

Custom Collections


In many cases, clients have a defined list of species that they are interested in obtaining. We target our efforts towards collecting those species in natural habitats in the Tahoe Basin and western Nevada regions.

Collect and Mix

Collect & Mix

During collections, we often harvest more species then originally planned. When that happens, we blend those species with other genetically localized species and return a native mix to be planted, further strengthening local biomes.

Seed Cleaning

Seed Cleaning

In most cases our collections are cleaned on site. Seed samples may still be submitted to testing labs for pure live seed analysis. We also contract clean on an hourly basis at our cleaning plant.

Wildland Seed Inventory

Many clients have a defined list of species that they are interested in obtaining and we target our efforts towards those species. Comstock Seed has developed relationships across the area which provide us with access to virtually any seed you need.